*Tap tap* Is this thing on?

When I first started blogging it was an exciting time. It was back before the indie nail polish craze. Before gel (okay maybe not entirely before gel). And it was back when the biggest nail blogs were those like The Daily Nail and All Lacquered Up. Well, in case you haven't noticed...times have changed. A LOT of people have ditched blogging. Some have replaced blogging with Instagram and snapchat but others have vanished entirely.

I was going through my blogger feed today (which I am so behind on it's not even funny) and I noticed one thing. Almost every blog I follow is no longer active. And I don't mean no longer active like moi where they've disappeared for about a month or two. I mean no longer active like last post was a year ago or longer. For reals. A year ago. Or longer. That's a long time for no update! If I weren't so behind on blogging I might have been curious where everybody went to!

It's so disappointing when blogs get abandoned but I understand people's lives and priorities change and sometimes people just lose the joi de vivre that blogging used to bring. I experienced that myself for a little where I questioned whether or not I would even continue. You know that feeling? I think that's why I only post once (if that) per week (I'm working on it though--I have some pretty blog-worthy events coming up so all will be well).

But seriously, ever feel like you just don't have any content that you want to share? Or that you just don't have the inspiration or motivation to keep at it? I swear. The struggle is real my friends.

I have now gone through the blogs I follow and have bid adieu to those no longer with us. The silver lining? Now I can follow some NEW blogs! So....if you're just stumbling upon this blog and you're looking for a new blog buddy or follower, drop me a comment below! I'd enjoy reading some new blogs!


  1. Hi Nikki! I am one of your silent followers and I think that this is my first comment on your blog...
    As a blogger I feel like a "long distance runner" since I post just once or twice in a week but constantly from April 2012.
    If you would like to came and have a look to my blog you are really welcome!
    Have a nice day and keep on blogging! :-)

    1. You've been at it awhile! Wow! I'll definitely check out your blog. I'm glad you commented.

    2. Hi Nikki, thank you for visiting my blog!
      I forgot to mention it, but if sometimes you want to join my weekly challenge (Pattern Wednesday) you are more than welcome! ^_^

    3. That would be fantastic -- it definitely would help my current lack of inspiration!

  2. I think we can't have pression for our blogs too, we have our work and family and blogging for me is a hobby, not a second work.
    I post regularly three times a week but I can't say if it will be so in future. As long as I will be happy blogging I will keep on, otherwise I will stop.
    Feel free to have a look to my little world!

    1. I totally agree! Everytime I took a hiatus from blogging it was because I wasn't enjoying it as a hobby anymore. But I do really enjoy blogging--it's fun to take photos and craft posts and share them with people everywhere. It's not sure much about people reading them (though that is certainly nice!) but I really like being able to look though and see what's happened. Blogging is such a nice hobby. I'm definitely not giving it up any time soon!

  3. Hey Nikki!!!
    I just post once a week. Nailart is just hobby for me. So i dont pressure myself to paint regularly or blog post every single day. there are times when I left my blog unattended for three four month. Then I start fresh agian. :) I dont think I will ever quirt blogging. I do love sharing my nail art/ ideas Its fun :D

    1. Hey there! I need to lay off the pressure then. I'm glad people don't get on my case when I vanish unexpectedly. I'll always come back but it's nice to be able to do things on my own time when I'm feeling like it. I definitely don't want to stop blogging!

  4. I was thinking about this just a while ago, many really have just vanished and its ok if life takes you in a different direction. Change isn't always bad. I too have changed my schedule recently, I used to post every other day but now I only post on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Somehow that slight gap at the end of the week has really improved my feelings on blogging and improved my ability to produce nail art far ahead of the post date. I really think the most important thing is that people are doing what they love - if blogging feels like a chore then maybe they should reconsider what they want to do or take the pressure off by posting less. At the end of the day, happiness is the most important factor with any hobby. I'm into my 5th year of blogging and I enjoy it more now I know what works for me. :) <3

    1. They really have vanished! I had to stop following so many blogs because the people have clearly moved on from blogging. I enjoy blogging too much to quit but I can't blog too often. Once a week is definitely doable. Maybe I'll start like a week-recap post series or something? I have to get some serious inspiration! You've been blogging for 5 years?! Wow! That's incredible! Congratulations to you!


Thank you for reading! Leave a comment below or email me at nikkisnailfiles[at]gmail[dot]com to share your ideas. Feel free to leave links to your posts so I can check them out!

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