Travel Day - Naples to Venice + Pompeii Purple Swatch

Ahhh, lord these delays are killing me. Well, let's pick up where we left off, shall we? The next day in our Italian anniversary trip was a travel day (read: a realllllly long train ride between Naples and Venice) so I don't really have that many worthwhile photos for this particular day to share. Notwithstanding this lack of blogworthy photos, I figure since last post was about Pompeii that now would be as good a time as any for some swatch photos of OPI Pompeii Purple....which is distinctly more pink than purple as it turns out....all while sprinkling in some travel day photos.

See? Way more pink than purple. I'd say this is a pink base with purple flecks. It looks reallly pretty in the sunlight and under a flash though and that where you see the most purple.
We schlepped our bags to Napoli Centrale and luckily did not fall into the taxi trap that got us on our way to our hotel on Naples Day One. We asked for the tariffa fissa and when he started talking about taking us for a one hour tour of Naples we politely but very firmly said no thank you in Italian and told him we had a train to catch (even though we left ample time to get the train station and were in literally zero danger of missing our train). He was nice enough, definitely commented on how we weren't wearing any gold or Rolexes (take that for whatever you will--I wasn't sure how to take it but needless to say this adds to the whole never-returning-to-Naples-thing). We made it the train and sat until it was time to depart.
We always try to do business class because we enjoy it a bit better -- you get more space and it's usually less crowded. We can spread our gear out and I tend to start looking through photos on my tablet during the ride. I also will sometimes *gasp* try to start a blog post...that never gets finished. LOL. Another good part about business class on European trains? They tend to feed you!
I know that these Tocchetti alle Olive are probably the train equivalent to airplane peanuts BUT they.are.delicious. Seriously, so good. And they give you prosecco!
Our train stopped at Bologna Centrale and we had to switch trains to continue to Venice. Being in a foreign train station is always fun because I feel like we spend more time wandering around than we do actually getting to where we need to be. We loitered on the platform for a train. When it arrived, they didn't immediately let our train car board. Turns out, there was a sports team on the train that needed to get off.  I guess the team was a sort of big deal because they were all dressed in uniform (a really crisp and clean blazer) and there was police and media around them. They were all speaking Italian so I have no idea what was going on but it was fun to watch. The guy who boarded in front of me even stopped to take a picture. If I thought I would have understood his answer I would have asked what team it was. Oh well, I guess I'll never know. I tried to Google it once we were situated on the train but I had no luck.

Once we finally made it to Venice we wandered to our hotel to drop off our luggage, grabbed some dinner, and headed to sleep. But not before getting lost in my Venetian dreams of hanging out a shuttered window overlooking the Grand Canal, watching the gondoliers, and toasting prosecco.
Our dinner this night was my third favorite in all of our Italian meals....cicchetti. It's like tapas...but Venetian. We picked a few local pubs and then picked a bunch of small bites at each one. It was all delicious but the crab cake (or similar thing) was my favorite.
See you for the next post!

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